Detoxification of the body is of critical importance. Not only do we need to rid the body of byproducts of normal metabolism, but we are bombarded with all sorts of chemicals and toxins in our environment at levels never before experienced in human history. Luckily, the body is very adept at clearing out the multitude of toxins to which it is exposed. However, the ability of the body to effectively rid itself of harmful substances can become impaired without the proper nutrition and lifestyle habits.
People often think of detox as an intermittent, short-term activity. This usually involves a particular diet aimed at clearing out toxins and resetting some sort of "clean button" in our bodies. But this is far from the way it works. The body is detoxifying itself at all times because it is dealing with toxins constantly. And optimal health requires the body to be in an optimal state of detoxification at all times. So, in addition to understanding that detoxification is a daily, ongoing, process, it is also important to note that detoxification is more than just about eating the right foods. It is a whole-body nutrition and lifestyle approach. Some Helpful Detox Info: 1. The detoxification process in the liver requires many different vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients to operate at its peak. Therefore, a diet consisting of natural, whole, nutrient-dense foods loaded with these substances will allow your body to handle toxins more efficiently and effectively. 2. The body does much of its detoxification work while you sleep, so giving your body the time it needs at night to fully rest and recuperate also enhances detoxification. 3. Toxins primarily leave the body through stool, urine, and sweat. So, things like regular bowel movements, adequate hydration and urination, and physical activity that promotes sweating also help the entire detoxification process. 4. A toxin is anything that can impair health, so stress, negative thoughts, and even some relationships have the ability to be toxic. Therefore, addressing these issues is also important when considering detoxification strategies and how to nurture a healthy, resilient body. Comments are closed.
AuthorA physician who discovered the power of nutrition and lifestyle for health and healing. Archives
January 2017